5 Ways Clutter Can Impact Your Mental Health

5 Ways Clutter Can Impact Your Mental Health

You may have all been there at least once, where your closets have a pile of clothes you can drown in or your desk is topped with disorganised papers. You might tell yourself, you'll declutter it but your closet is still stuffed. You are not alone. But hereʼs something you might not know. A cluttered home or office can impact your mental health in ways you cannot imagine. If you want to see how this blog tells you about five ways, it is for you!

Increases Your Stress

Did you know the more the number of household objects around you, the more stressful it can be for you? In short, this clutter around you can increase your stress level. So, this means those messy tables, closets or rooms you might have around you, contributed to your stress too. This happens because the clutter around you bombards your mind with excessive stimuli. It produces feelings of anxiety because you are not able to locate what you need quickly.

Decreases Your Ability To Focus

Clutter also impacts your ability to focus. The more disorganised your room or space, it can make you feel overwhelmed. In a way, you can feel barraged by different noises all at once. And that isnʼt a good feeling, right? While itʼs said creative people are messy, it doesnʼt justify that you need to embrace the clutter. So, make sure the clutter around you doesn't hamper your focus.

Less Rested Sleep

A cluttered environment can ruin your sleep by making it hard to fall or stay asleep. In a way, it impacts your quality of sleep. Lack of REM sleep can make you feel tired sooner and leave you feeling disturbed not just through the night but also the next day. And that can be a horrible place to be in, especially after a long day of work, where your body wants to rest but the cluttered environment around you doesnʼt let you rest.

Lower Self-Esteem

The impact of clutter isnʼt limited to your stress, focus and sleep. It also impacts your self-esteem because it brings negative self-talk and feelings of self-criticism. Now, itʼs great to self-reflect every once in a while but if you see the talk you have with yourself turning negative and you are scrutinising yourself in the process, itʼs a sign to declutter your space. It will help you ensure your psychological well-being isnʼt getting compromised.

Lower Quality of Life

With clutter around, you can feel constantly frustrated because you struggle to complete even your daily tasks. The time you spend looking for what you want or need or just attempting to organise the clutter can be used to relax and spend well with loved ones. You can even do a self-care activity you love or even just relax. Either way, if you notice, it can impact the quality of your life too.

The Final Words

A little clutter can impact the quality of your life altogether. It can impact your health and well-being in ways you might not notice. Remember, a clutter-free home isnʼt just about impressing people who visit your home, itʼs about preparing an environment where you feel the best chance to succeed. This positive change is always a possibility. If you want to create a to-do list thatʼll remind you to declutter your home, check out our collection!

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